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Simply fill-out the form below, and you will be done in a minute.

Note: You can add more details under staff directory after registration.
Note: After your registration is successful, you will/can only access your portal/dashboard from your chosen link. The details will be sent to your email address after registration. And this field can contain only letters, numbers and hyphen(-).

About Us

Klious school management solution was developed and is being managed by a set of Nigerian developers with specialty in creating innovative solutions for businesses of all sizes. Led by our CEO Monsuru Mudasiru and the Vice President (Operations) Abiodun Alabi, who are both seasoned IT practitioners that have developed many solutions for a wide array of clients in government, schools, supermarkets, real estate companies, restaurants.

Our team of experts is dedicated to staying up to date on the latest technologies and trends in the industry, offering our clients the most efficient and effective solutions for their needs. Whether you are looking to improve your company's cybersecurity, create on-premises or cloud-based solutions, streamline your operations, or develop a custom software application, we have you covered. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and unparalleled expertise, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their goals and reach new heights of success.

We have a long history of providing top-notch services to businesses across a variety of industries. We were founded in the early 2010s as we saw a gap in the market for a company that could deliver high-quality IT solutions to small and medium-sized busin

In the early days, our focus was primarily on roviding basic IT support and troubleshooting for local companies. As our reputation for excellence grew, so did our client base, and we soon began to expand our services to include more advanced offerings such as network design and implementation, data analysis and analytics, data backup and recovery, and managed IT services.

As the years went by, we continued to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of the IT industry. We embraced modern technologies and methodologies, such as cloud computing and agile development, and expanded our team to include some of the most talented and experienced professionals in the field.

Our commitment to excellence and innovation has driven our success and we are excited to continue to serve and exceed our clients' expectations in the future.
